I Think I’m a Feminist

“If you all believe in equality between men and women, why aren’t you all feminists?”

I think I’m a Feminist will approach a vital, human concern from what may sometimes feel – to us at least – the perspective of outsiders. An all male company asking both a broad question – what is the male role in gender equality? – and a personal one – as individuals who believe in gender equality, should we describe ourselves as feminists?

I Think I’m a Feminist is the company’s second show and and will be performed during a short tour in Autumn 2014. It has been developed during residencies at three venues across the UK ; The Stage@Leeds, New Diorama Theatre (London), The Bike Shed Theatre (Exeter), and The Barbican Theatre (Plymouth). The research and development has been supported using public funds from Arts Council England.

m a Feminist



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