‘When I was five years old, my Dad was told our surname might be stopping him from getting a job. So we changed it. It worked.’


Labels is the third full show from Worklight. It’s a solo show, written and performed by Joe Sellman-Leava, which chronicles his upbringing in rural Devon as a boy of mixed-heritage growing up in the 90s and the bridges and barriers that were formed between him and his peers.

This intimate new show draws on Joe’s experiences of mixed heritage and racism. Labels examines the way we use words, the line between curiosity and fear, and the rise of anti-immigration rhetoric.

When the UKIP phenomenon placed migration at the centre of the 2015 general election, we felt compelled to premiere the piece at this year’s Fringe. Amid the cacophony of statistics and soundbites that surround the immigration debate, Labels offers an honest, human story about multicultural Britain.

‘Powerful, important and funny’ (Emma Thompson).



The development of Labels was proudly supported by:

PrintBike Shed Logo Newsupported by Barbican Theatre logoTheatre_at_MorleyAssociate Artist Orange Stage@Leeds

WP-Backgrounds Lite by InoPlugs Web Design and Juwelier Schönmann 1010 Wien